Year 2 project, Robot Arm(week4)

Friday, February 22, 2019

Week 4:

During our 4th lab sussion, we tried again to add vibration feedback to the ps2 controller, we started seareching for some information about how to achieve 'soft series' which can make arduino receivce two different trasmission channels. Additionally we changed the codes several times, but it failed. Finally we changed the feedback method. So we decided to add three LED lights and one buzzer as when the robot arm approuchs other objects the LED will lights up and buzzer is truns on goes off to alram the operator. This alarm we added successfully.

Figure above illustrate the distance sensor


                                         Figure above illustrate the distance sensor

Figure above illustrate the feedback of the  robot arm

Week 5 aim is to add a bluetooth module to transmit the data of distance to a mobile phone, so the operator can see the data through his phone while controlling the robot arm from a far distance. 
