
Showing posts from 2019

Open project poster


Year 2 project, Robot Arm(week5)

riday, March 3, 2019 Week 5: In the lab session, we wanted to add a bluetooth module to transmit data to a mobile phone. Firstly, we connected the bluetooth circuit and tried to connect it to a mobile phone, but it did not match, we tested again and again and it connected to a mobile phone at last. Then we write the code for bluetooth and combined it with the code of distance sensor. We also added the limited distance to give feedback and it worked after we tested many times. At afternoon, we tested all the functions of robot arm such as movement, grab, the transmission of distance. It is normal for all functions. Next week is bench inspection, we hope that this project can be judged in a high marks.                                         Test claws to grasp objects                           ...

Year 2 project, Robot Arm(week4)

Friday, February 22, 2019 Week 4: During our 4th lab sussion, we tried again to add vibration feedback to the ps2 controller, we started seareching for some information about how to achieve 'soft series' which can make arduino receivce two different trasmission channels. Additionally we changed the codes several times, but it failed. Finally we changed the feedback method. So we decided to add three LED lights and one buzzer as when the robot arm approuchs other objects the LED will lights up and buzzer is truns on goes off to alram the operator. This alarm we added successfully. Figure above illustrate the distance sensor                                                                                   Figure above illust...

Year 2 project, Robot Arm(week3)

Friday, February 15, 2019 Week 3: Before  attending week 3 lab session, we met the supervisor for some suggestions regarding the problem we are facing in the robot gripper, he gave us solutions to overcome the problem by either changing the gripper angle in coding or changing the construction of the gripper. In addition he suggested us to add a sensor on the edges of the car as when the car approaches to other obstacles, it sends feedback such as ps2 vibrations. In the lab session, we focused on solving the gripper problem. So we decided to change the gripper original angel and servo end angel which controls the gripper and it was tested several times. Finally the servo worked. Our next activity was to add a distance sensor HC-SR09 to the car to  send feedback to the ps2 controller in vibration form when the can approach any obstacle in its way. We tried to combine the two parts of the code, unfortunately id did not work, ...